The Lewis structure for ClF2+ is shown. What is the electron-pair geometry and the molecular geometry around the central atom? (2024)

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    The Lewis structure for ClF2+ is shown. What is the electron-pair geometry and the molecular geometry around the central atom? (2024)


    What is the hybridization of the central atom ClF2+? ›

    ClF−2 is sp3d hybridized (three lone pairs of Cl at three corners and two F at vertices) and ClF+2 is sp3 (two lone pairs on Cl and 2 bond pairs with F) hybridized.

    What is the electron-pair geometry around the central atom of ClF2+? ›

    The central atom has two lone pairs and two bonding pairs (four electron domains). According to VSEPR theory, this predicts a tetrahedral electron geometry. The molecular geometry includes only the bonding pairs, so the molecular shape is bent, with a theoretical bond angle of 109.5°.

    What is molecular shape does the ClF2 ion form? ›

    CompoundBond pairstructure
    [ClF4]−4Square planar
    Jul 3, 2022

    What is the polarity of ClF2+? ›

    Here, both the atoms chlorine and fluorine are electronegative in nature. But, when compare between both the atoms, F-atom has smaller size, hence more electronegative than Cl-atom. Thus, there is also charge distribution present and the given molecule C l F 2 − is polar.

    Is ClF2+ linear? ›

    Out of these 8 electrons 2 electrons are used by the two F atoms, to form two bond pairs . Thus remaining 6 electrons lie around the Cl atom as 3 pairs of lone pairs . Hence total electron pairs =5 , the hybridisation is sp3d and the shape is linear.

    What is the electron group geometry of CLF? ›

    Explanation: The electron geometry of ClF3 is trigonal bipyramidal. Chlorine trifluoride has a central chlorine atom surrounded by three fluorine atoms and two lone pairs of electrons. The presence of lone pairs affects the molecular geometry, making the shape of ClF3 T-shaped.

    How to find electron pair geometry? ›

    The Electron Pair Geometry of a molecule is determined by the total number of electron pairs around a central atom. Electron pairs are the bonded electrons, lone pairs and single unpaired electrons. Once the total number of electron pairs is estimated, we can quickly assess the electron pair geometry of the molecule.

    What is the shape of ClF2 negative? ›

    The shape of [ClF4]− and [ClF2]− ions is respectively. See-saw and linear.

    Is ClF2 bent? ›

    ClF−2 ion is bent but ClF+2 is linear in shape.

    What is the electron-pair and molecular geometry? ›

    Electron Pair Geometry (EPG) is the arrangement of the electrons both bonded and lone pairs around a central atom. The Molecular Geometry (MG) is the shape we can "see" of the molecule. This means that the Molecular Geometry only describes the bonds of the molecule and does not describe the lone pair electrons.

    What is the electron-pair geometry and molecular geometry of CO? ›

    Carbon dioxide has two electron groups and no lone pairs. Carbon dioxide is therefore linear in electron-group geometry and in molecular geometry. The shape of CO2 is linear because there are no lone pairs affecting the orientation of the molecule. Therefore, the linear orientation minimizes the repulsion forces.

    What is the hybridization of the central atom in ClF? ›

    The hybridization of Cl in ClF5 is sp3d2 because it has 5 bond pairs and 1 lone pair, making a total of 6 regions of electron density. The approximate bond angles in ClF5 are 90° and 120°.

    What is the hybridization of the central atom in ClO2+? ›

    Anionic form is=> ClO4- => the hybridization for Cl is => sp3 that is tetraderal as all the bonds formed are double bonded with O atom. Cationic form is=> ClO2+ => sp2 hybridization that is Cl has one lone pair electrons with two doubly bonded O atoms.

    How do you find the hybridization of a central atom? ›

    Because hybridiztion is used to make atomic overlaps, knowledge of the number and types of overlaps an atom makes allows us to determine the degree of hybridization it has. In other words, you only have to count the number of bonds or lone pairs of electrons around a central atom to determine its hybridization.

    What is the hybridization of the central atom in sf3+? ›

    Expert-Verified Answer

    The hybridization of the central atom in the sulfur trifluoride anion is sp3. The central sulfur atom is bonded to three fluorine atoms and has one lone pair of electrons. This means that the sulfur atom has a total of four electron domains (three bonding and one lone pair).


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    Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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    Author information

    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-12-23

    Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

    Phone: +494124489301

    Job: Marketing Representative

    Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.