The best team comps in Apex Legends (2024)

Building a good team comp is important if you seriously want to improve at Apex Legends. At all levels of the game, it’s important to figure out which characters work best.

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Whatever your level in Apex is, you’ve likely noticed that some squad compositions work better than others. If you’re trying to climb the ranked ladder or just want to improve your skill, it’s important to know which characters have useful synergies and which don’t.

Below, you’ll find some of the best team comps you can pick in Apex. Generally speaking, the best legend to pick is usually the one you’re most comfortable with. But if you intentionally learn other characters to fit into a bunch of different compositions, you’ll quickly see results.

Best Apex Legends team comps

1) Bangalore, Caustic, and Bloodhound: The pro pick

The best team comps in Apex Legends (1)

The massive legend evo changes for season 20 caused a rippling effect within the pro scene. The heavily used Catalyst that provided excellent rotations and limited opposition visibility was swapped out in favor of Caustic. Bangalore remains a huge part of the pro scene throughout the regions, regardless of her nerfs in the Shadow Society patch. Bang replaces Cat’s abilities to safely rotate and prevents teams pushing after knocking your teammate.

Bloodhound keeps scan meta alive and strengthened further with the removal of SMG Digital Threat. Caustic completes this comp with his natural defensive positioning and abilities that can prevent pushes, force players out of cover, or kill a weakened team with his ultimate (similar to Horizon ult).

Adapt to the team ahead of you

This composition is chosen by pros for a reason: its versatility on the field. With the wildlife mini-games and Evo-collecting you need to do to gain red armor, Bangalore provides safe passage during rotates, Caustic offers stability to reset if your shields are cracked, and Bloodhound can either hold down the fort or go all-out attack for first knock with Beast of the Hunt.

Synchronize your attacks

The best thing about this comp is the clear order of defensive or offensive actions you can take during a fight. Depending on the fight, you can either start with Bloodhound’s Beast of the Hunt to knock down an enemy, follow up with Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder, and finish with Caustic’s Nox Gas to punish the opposition’s rez. On the flipside, begin with Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder to push a team back while your Caustic picks up a fallen teammate. His Nox Gas is great to keep enemies close at bay, while Bloodhound can fight back in Bangalore’s smoke for aggressive or defensive purposes.

Hold onto Ult Accelerants to get back your ultimate quickly in case of third-parties, get thermites to flush out enemies during Caustic’s Nox Gas, and stock Evacs for repositioning and rotates.

2) Ballistic, Mad Maggie, and Fuse: A need for speed

The best team comps in Apex Legends (2)

Depending on your preference, you can swap out Mad Maggie or Fuse with Octane. With season 20’s changes, Ballistic, Mad Maggie, Fuse, and Octane are incredibly fast and aggressive legends, capable of third-partying every fight.

No more cover for opposition

Unlike Octane, Mad Maggie offers a speed buff across her team with her Wrecking Ball. This, alongside Fuse’s explosive damage and Motherlode resistance, makes both legends an absolute menace in close-quarter and building fights. Mad Maggie can quickly get her team into an ongoing fight, Fuse can ult rooftops and open areas, limiting enemy movement, and Ballistic can bully with his Whistler, alongside providing the team with unlimited ammo for his Tempest.

The downside to this composition is the lack of support characters as all legends are in the Assault class. But the purpose of this comp is to go all-out attack and rip through the lobby with third-party after third-party. This is a comp filled with Octane-style players, raring for a fight at every moment.

Bet on yourself

Ultimately, this comp relies on your own fighting ability and success in one-v-ones. It’s filled with characters that are strong but need to be piloted by people who know how to shoot a weapon, since there aren’t any easy-to-use damaging abilities.

If you’re the type of player who finds yourself relying on legends that allow you to feel like you have an impact despite not being the best shot in the world, this might not be the one for you. Sure, overheating your enemy’s equipment is useful if you need to reload, and the Riot Drill can definitely dish out some damage without you needing to aim too hard. But success in this comp comes down to gun skill and teamfighting, and if you’re unsure about those things, look elsewhere.

3) Revenant, Conduit, and Bloodhound: Keep the dream alive

The best team comps in Apex Legends (3)

With the aggressive playstyles of Revenant and Bloodhound, Conduit is a great pick for contesting and third-parties. For those hungry off drop for kills, landing at heavily congested POIs, this one is for you. While the Conduit-Revenant pairing has been nerfed since Shadow Society, her Radiant Transfer is particularly useful for any Revenant using Forged Shadows or Bloodhound during Beast of the Hunt.

Don’t leave Conduit behind

Conduit is essential for this comp to work. She keeps Revenant and Bloodhound alive during their most aggressive pushes. Conduit’s Radiant Transfer is not only helpful at the beginning of a match, but during a team reset while a third-party floods in. The Bloodhound and Revenant shouldn’t stray too far from Conduit, but if it happens, her passive easily lets her catch up to her more aggressive teammates.

Play for knocks and angle the opposition out

This comp relies purely on positioning and gun skill. You won’t have any abilities that keep you alive longer outside of Conduit’s Radiant Transfer. Because of this, you should play smart and slow when necessary. Revenant and Bloodhound are capable of aggressive and defensive plays, while Conduit can use her transfer premeditated for her teammates making an aggressive play or during third-parties.

4) Wattson, Newcastle, and Horizon: A lethal fortress

The best team comps in Apex Legends (4)

A defensive composition with a hint of aggression, Wattson and Newcastle offer a means to create a fortress regardless of where you are on the map. While a building would be best, gaining a height advantage in an otherwise terrible position is only viable because of Wattson and Newcastle. Horizon is a great pick with Wattson due to her Interception Pylon upgrade; switching enemy projectiles into Arc Stars. Horizon can then use her Black Hole (away from the Pylon) to punish any teams attempting to int.

Hold down the fort

This comp keeps the end-game in mind, regardless of your rotations. It isn’t a particularly great comp for kills, but that isn’t its purpose. Hunker down in a good position for the end-game and stock up on Ult Accelerants for Wattson and Horizon. Pair gold equipment with Newcastle for a quick and efficient rez, and prioritize the Horizon’s life over your own for that all-important Black Hole. Verticality is helpful should Wattson’s fences and pylon be destroyed, letting you safely reposition and avoid ultimates with Horizon’s Gravity Lift.

5) Lifeline, Bangalore, and Bloodhound: A safety net

The best team comps in Apex Legends (5)

Putting the power predominately in the Bloodhound’s hands, this composition focusses on developing your loadout while moving toward the end-game. Lifeline’s D.O.C is essential in every fight, alongside her Care Packages that offer gold equipment and Supply Drop weapons. To complete this, Bangalore provides the strong scan meta for Bloodhound, letting him knock unaware enemies through her smoke.

Play together and aggressive

While other aggressive comps look at legends that play outside of the team, capable of repositioning in case they are pushed, this composition focusses on dealing damage and easily resetting with Lifeline and Bangalore. The Lifeline should stock up on gold equipment and Supply Drop weapons for her team as her evo levels up. Having a Lifeline allows Bangalore to play much more aggressive than she normally would. Running alongside Bloodhound who is looking for that initial knock, Bangalore can protect her teammates with smoke, and reposition when necessary.

Lifeline moves in to quickly rez any fallen teammates. Alternatively, Lifeline could play aggressively, using her Self-Revive to return to the fight while Bangalore resets with Bloodhound inside her smoke. Rotating may be more difficult than other comps, but stocking up on Evac Towers and getting ahead of the competition with Lifeline’s kit is essential to get to the end-game together.

6) Newcastle, Lifeline, and Bangalore: Battlefield medics

The best team comps in Apex Legends (6)

We recommend this trio for players who aren’t the most aggressive and are instead more focused on surviving through to the final circle of each match. These three legends are all about healing and defensive utility, making them tough to take out without extreme third-party action.

Smoke to survive

This squad is able to take fights because of how durable they are, especially when their utility is used in combination well. Bangalore’s smokescreen is a great cover for both Newcastle and Lifeline to lay down their healing/shield abilities with less pressure during fights. This is especially true if you need to get a revive off since both are able to move while rezzing. You can use the smoke to hide your movements, simultaneously saving your teammate and potentially confusing your enemies by repositioning as you do it.

Hunker down up high to third-party

The advantage of this squad lies in its support and defensive utility more than its aggressive capabilities. But that doesn’t mean you can’t harass other teams while using it. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Instead of aggressively taking fair fights with other squads, you should instead look for opportunities to third-party other squads from higher ground. You can use Bangalore’s ultimate artillery strike to completely surprise squads that are scuffling below you, all while sheltering behind Newcastle’s shield.

Should these squads survive your aerial attack and want to take the fight to you, they’ll have to contend with that shield, along with Bangalore’s smoke and her huge reserves of ammo. Combining that with Lifeline’s healing and her ability to call in extra supplies can make you practically immovable if you have the high ground, turning enemy assaults into a meat grinder for you to rack up kills.

7) Revenant, Pathfinder, and Wraith: Bloodlust on the go

The best team comps in Apex Legends (7)

Thanks to Revenant’s rebirth in season 18, the killer robot is more dangerous than ever. He has all-new abilities that work shockingly well in tandem with Pathfinder and Wraith, so long as you’re willing to be very mobile and very aggressive. While Revenant received nerfs for season 20, he remains a prominent figure in pubs and ranked play.

Use your mobility to take fights

All three of these Legends have movement abilities, some of which can even work in tandem to create some scary cool plays. Revenant’s new ultimate gives him a shield that’s considered to be interactable, so Pathfinder can attach his grappling hook to it. With Rev’s new tactical, Shadow Pounce, he can give Pathfinder even more range while swinging. While your shield won’t replenish after every knock before Shadow Society’s patch, you still have that incredibly mobility that lets you safely exit a fight and return to your team.

Beyond that, Revenant can replicate the old strategy of sticking Arc Stars to Wraith with his shield. Teammates can stick the explosives to his chest while shielded and have him pounce on enemy squads without taking any friendly fire damage.

By adding Wraith to this squad, you give yourself the ability to bombard your opponents with this kind of ambush, as you can employ the old and new strategy at once or in waves. The season 18 update reduced the cooldown on her Dimensional Rift ultimate, giving you even more opportunities to use it and remain mobile.

All that said, it’s important to remember that Revenant isn’t a full-fledged tank now, and he doesn’t have the fortitude of characters like Gibraltar or Caustic. You’ll need to use his mobility to get the jump on your opponents, rather than trying to just mow them down.

Play edge as much as you can

Because all three of these characters can move around so quickly and easily, you should stick to the edges of circles as much as possible with this comp. This will allow you to make the most of Revenant’s new ability to see wounded enemies, giving you an information boost that can help you pick off stragglers or choose worthwhile third-parties to take.

If you find yourself in trouble or outside of the ring, all of your team should be able to escape fairly easily, giving you an advantage while hunting down other players on the run from the storm. You should pretty much always be looking to flank and come up behind other squads so you can make the most of your movement advantages.

If you capitalize on opportunities like this, you can catch your enemies off guard and ambush them to get kills tactically rather than having to rely on pure aggression or aim ability.

The best team compositions in Apex Legends, summarized

When you’re choosing the best team compositions in Apex Legends, you have a few different options:

  • Bangalore, Caustic, and Bloodhound
    • Bangalore offers rotates and the ability to escape from pressure. Caustic puts pressure on teams, while being essential to resetting. Bloodhound provides defensive and offensive plays with Beast of the Hunt, strengthened by Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher and Caustic’s Nox Gas.
  • Ballistic, Mad Maggie, and Fuse
    • Move in to third-party fights, using Mad Maggie to move around the map, and the comp’s Tacticals to bully the opposition out of cover.
  • Revenant, Conduit, and Bloodhound
    • Conduit helps more aggressive teammates reset should a third party arrive. Use positioning to angle the opposition out and get knocks so the team can more in together to wipe squads.
  • Wattson, Newcastle, and Horizon
    • Great forts with Wattson and Newcastle, using Horizon’s Black Hole at the prime moments to punish inting teams and create chaos in end-games.
  • Lifeline, Bangalore, and Bloodhound
    • Lifeline’s kit provides overwhelming loadouts for the great pair of Bangalore and Bloodhound to utilize. Create space with Bangalore and move as a squad while Bloodhound gets the first knock, having Lifeline there to support in case anyone goes down.
  • Newcastle, Lifeline, and Bangalore
    • Better for defensive play, this team uses Bangalore’s smokescreen to lay down cover while Newcastle and Lifeline provide the team with healing/shield abilities.
  • Revenant, Pathfinder, Wraith
    • Each of these legends has movement abilities to help the team get around, and Revenant’s new tactical Shadow Pounce can extend Pathfinder’s swinging range.

These are the best team compositions in Apex Legends, but using them to their full potential relies coordinating well with your teammates. Good luck!

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The best team comps in Apex Legends (2024)


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