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ICCF CONGRESS, PERTH SCOTLAND, 3rd - 10th SEPTEMBER 1994 The 1994 Congress, in conjunction with meetings of the Presidium and the Commissions, took place in the Isle of Skye Toby Hotel, Perth from 3rd to 10th September 1994. The Congress was arranged by the Scottish Correspondence Chess Association. Participants of the Congress were received by the Provost and Councillors of Perth & Kinross District Council. There was also a Musical Evening. A sightseeing excursion in Highland Perthshire and a visit to Scotland's National Heather Garden in Perth were offered by the Scottish CCA to the participants and a nice Ladies' Programme was also arranged.. The President H.J. Mostert (NLD) took the chair. Taking part in the Congress were: S. Al-Kuwari (Qatar) as the Delegate for Qatar. A.R. Al-Meer (Qatar) as member of the Qatar Delegation. Dr. F. Baumbach (Germany) as the Delegate for Germany. R. Berthelsen (Norway) as the Delegate for Norway, as Member of the Qualifications, Rules, Tournament and Documentation Commissions and with proxy for the Federation of Slovakia. W. Bieiecki (Poland) as the Delegate for Poland and as Member of the Rules Commission. J. Bohak (Slovenia) as the Delegate for Slovenia. A.P. Borwell (Scotland) as Member of the Scottish Delegation, as ICCF Treasurer and as Member of the Tournament Commission. L Bottlik (Hungary) as the Delegate for Hungary, as ICCF Vice President and as Member of the Documentation Commission. H. Brusila (Finland) as Member of the Finnish Delegation, as Chairman of the World Tournament Bureau and as Member of the Telechess and Tournament Commissions. Dr. T. Bullockus (USA) as Member of the Rules Commission. Dr. M. Christoffel (Switzerland) as the Delegate for Switzerland and as Assistant to the Treasurer. v;^' Ing. P. Diaconescu (Romania) as Honorary Member of the ICCF, as the Delegate for Romania, as ICCF General Secretary, as Member of the Qualifications and Rules Commissions, and with proxy for the Federation of France.. C. Flores Gutierrez (Spain) as the Delegate for Spain. ICCF Congress. Perth. Scotland. 1994


R. Gillman (England) as Member of the EngHsh Delegation, as Chairman of the Rules Commission and as Member of the Qualifications, Telechess and Tournament Commissions. P.M. Giulian (Scotland) as Member of the Scottish Delegation. S. Grodzensky (Russia) as the Delegate for Russia and as Member of the Qualifications Commission. E. Gromotka (Germany) as Member of the German Delegation and as Member of the Rules Commission. H. Heemsoth (Germany) as Member of the German Delegation and as Member of the Documentation Commission. Dr. R. Incelli (Italy) as Member of the Italian Delegation, as ICCF Vice President and as Member of the Qualifications Commission. A. Jonasson (Sweden) as the Delegate for Sweden and as Member of the Rules Commission. S-A Kronberg (Sweden) as Member of the Swedish Delegation and as Member of the Documentation Commission. E. Liebert (Estonia) as the Delegate for Estonia. R. Lindroos (Finland) as Honorary Member of the ICCF, as ICCF Vice President and as Member of the Qualifications Commission. G.W.G. Livie (Scotland) as Member of the Scottish Delegation and as Member of the Rules and Telechess Commissions. E. Luers (Germany) as Member of the German Delegation, as Chairman of the European Tournament Bureau and as Member of the Tournament Commission. C.A. Macgregor (Scotland) as Member of the Scottish Delegation. J.K. MacDonald (Canada) as the Delegate for Canada and as Member of the Documentation, Rules and Telechess Commissions. F. Mecucci (Italy) as the Delegate for Italy. I.W.S. Mitchell (Scotland) as Member of the Scottish Delegation. J.S. Morgado (Argentina) representing CAPA. H. J. Mostert (Netherlands) as Honorary Member of the ICCF, as the Delegate for the Netherlands and as ICCF President. E. Nielsen (Denmark) as the Delegate for Denmark. J-A Nielsen (Denmark) as Member of the Danish Delegation and as Member of the Tournament Commission. ICCF Congress, Perth. Scotland. 1994


Dr. T.B. Olafsson (Iceland) as the Delegate for Iceland. J.A. Palsson (Iceland) as Member of the Icelandic Delegation. K-H Podzielny (Germany) G.D. Pyrich (Scotland) as the Delegate for Scotland and with proxy for the Federations of Ireland and Singapore. G. Radosztics (Austria) as the Delegate for Austria, as Liaison Officer to FIDE and as Member of the Rules Commission. A.J. Rawlings (England) as the Delegate for England and as Member of the Telechess Commission. A.A. van 't Riet (Netherlands) as Member of the Netherlands Delegation, as Chairman of the Qualifications Commission, as Member of the Rules, Telechess and Tournament Commissions and as Commissioner for Ratings. H. Rittner (Germany) as Honorary Member of the ICCF. Ms. M. Rotova (Estonia) as Member of the Estonian Delegation. A. Roze (Latvia) as Member of the Latvian Delegation. M. Samraoui (Algeria) as the Delegate for Algeria. H. B. Sarink (Netherlands) as Member of the Netherlands Delegation and as ICCF Auditor. D, Smit (Netherlands) as Member of the Netherlands Delegation, as Chairman of the Telechess Commission and as Member of the Qualifications and Rules Commissions. I.A. Sneddon (Scotland) as Member of the Scottish Delegation. P. Soderberg (Sweden) as Member of the Swedish Delegation. U. Svagers (Latvia) as Member of the Latvian Delegation. K. Vitols (Latvia) as the Delegate for Latvia and with proxy for the Federation of Lithuania. U. Wagner (Germany) as Member of the German Delegation and as Member of the Qualifications Commission. R. Wikman (Finland) as the Delegate for Finland, as ICCF Tournament Director, as Chairman of the Tournament Commission and as Member of the Qualifications, Rules and Telechess Commissions. Prof M. Zavanelli (USA) as the Delegate for the USA, as ICCF Vice President, as Member of the Rules, Telechess and Tournament Commissions, and with proxy for the Federations of Australia and Hong Kong. ICCF Congress. Perth. Scotland. 1994


Opening the meeting, the ICCF President asked for a moment of silence to commemorate all those who had passed away since the ICCF Congress 1993. He mentioned particularly Ing. A.G. Lascurain (ARG) and A. Loeffler (ARG). After having thanked the Scottish CCA for the excellent arrangements for the meetings, the President stressed that the agenda for the 1994 meeting showed that ICCF was a living Federation which had its message for all chess players in a turbulent world. He challenged all participants and other member Federations to give even more publicity to realise the motto of ICCF - We are Friends. The Report of the General Secretary again showed that he had good co-operation with the members of the Presidium and the affiliated Federations and private individuals. An application for ICCF Membership was received from the Federation of Monaco. The proposal to accept this federation as a member of ICCF was accepted by the Congress unanimously. The President welcomed the new Member and wished it fruitful work in both the national and international movement of correspondence chess. The General Secretary reported that he had continued his efforts with the federations which were members in FIDE for them also to become members in ICCF. Regrettably, this had not yet been successful. In the meeting he was informed that member federations were trying to make contact with the Federations of Bermuda and China. He thanked the Federation of Qatar for its work in informing the Arabian countries (in their own language) about the work of ICCF. The General Secretary thanked everyone who had worked with him in the right spirit of ICCF. The Award of Berti von Massow Medals The yearly applications for this award showed that this distinction was highly appreciated. A Bertl von Massow medal in Gold was awarded to G.M. Tani (ITA) for more than 15 years of meritorious work in the organisation of ICCF. Silver medals for more than 10 years of meritorious work in the organisation of ICCF were awarded to I. Bottlik (HUN), I. Eglitis (LAT) and J.K. MacDonald (CAN). The ICCF President presented the medals and thanked those awarded for their excellent work. The Report of the ICCF Tournament Director emphasised that ICCF had to respond to the new opportunities provided by the technological evolution in order to avoid a diminishing interest for correspondence chess. In this regard, the TD was of the opinion that ICCF had to start "its future today". Not only to counter postal problems, but also for people who have grown up in "the age of instant response", it might be attractive if ICCF could offer alternative possibilities. The ICCF Tournament Director was already investigating and developing proposals to face this new future. Of course, he was also continuing to support the traditional ways of correspondence chess. He had received a letter from FECAP (Cuba) mentioning that the Federation had fulfilled its financial obligations and that it could not be blamed for the intolerably long transmission times. Therefore FECAP requested that its suspension should be lifted. The Tournament Director stressed that promises had not been fulfilled by FECAP to try to find ways to speed up games in important tournaments and that this had been a main reason for its suspension. Therefore, the TD ICCF Congress, Perth, Scotland, 1994


regretted that he could not support the request of FECAP to have the suspension lifted at this time. The Congress decided with the necessary majority to maintain the FECAP suspension. In his report on Title Tournaments, the TD informed that the previous Final in the Olympiad was still in progress but that the outcome should be known shortly. The Final of the Individual World Championship XIV had started in April 1994 with 15 players, in accordance with last year's decision that World Championship Finals could be started as soon as 15 qualified players had emerged. The Preliminaries of ICCF Cup X began on 1st September 1994 with 1540 players, under the administration of the Federation of the Netherlands. The Report of the World Tournament Office informed that 3 new Abonyi sections had been started in 1994. In 1993, 1524 players from 62 countries began play in ICCF Promotion Tournaments (1990 - 1566; 1991 - 1646; 1992 - 1889). Most probably the decrease in the number of participants was due to an increase in the difficult economic position in some parts of the World. It was encouraging to report that there was a 10% increase of participants in the Thematic Tournaments (1992 - 559; 1993 - 602). The delegates received the themes for 1995/96 for publication to their members. In the Report of the European Tournament Office it was mentioned that, in 1993, 1437 players (1992 - 1491) started in 164 sections (1992 - 174) in the promotional tournaments. For 1994, no significant variation was expected. The Congress was also informed about some changes in Tournament Secretaries. Four new European Champions could be congratulated, namely: EU-FSM 37 - L. Danek (CZE) EU-FSM 39 - G. Schuh (GER)

EU-FSM 40 - B. Hjort (SVE) EU-FSM 42 - R. Haessler (GER)

The ICCF President congratulated the new Champions on their excellent performances and presented bronze ICCF medals to the respective delegates. The European Team Championships Final III and the Preliminaries of EU-FSM IV had been concluded. In Final III, the team of West Germany took first place and the title of European Champions. The Soviet Union was 2nd, with the Netherlands in 3rd place. The President congratulated the prizewinners and presented the appropriate medals for team members and captains to the respective delegates with the request to extend congratulations to the teams. The start of Final IV and Preliminaries V have been announced and would be started on 1st January 1995. The Congress agreed unanimously that, as an exception, the new Final would consist of 12 teams, namely Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland. Play in the Preliminaries of the 1st European Ladies Championship had been concluded and the Final would begin in Spring 1995. The Report about Tournaments in English America (Canada and USA) gave an impression of the main tournaments in progress in that area. The VII North American Invitational CC Championship began at the end of 1993. The CCCA 70 GM Tournament had not been finished completely but there had been a tie with 3 players, namely V-M Anton (GER), Dr. A.A. Idema ICCF Congress. Perth, Scotland. 1994


(NLD) and B Sarensen (DEN). The final placings would be decided when the remaining game had been adjudicated. For the information of the Congress, crosstables were provided for the Pacific Area TT III and other tournaments in progress. Under Tournaments in Latin America, the ICCF President gave information about the activities of CAPA (ARG) in the absence of an overall report from CADAP. The President was able to inform the Congress that Pan America TT V had finished, with Argentina (LADAC) as winners, Canada 2nd and Brazil 3rd. The ICCF President presented the appropriate medals to the Canadian Delegate and the representative from CAPA (ARG) for the respective team members and captains. The Anglo-Pacific Tournament Bureau showed in its report a rather constant number of participants in its tournaments since 1990. The Bureau mentioned that the XII United States CC Championship had begun on 20/6/94 and the 2nd APTB Championship started on 1/8/94, as a Category IV tournament. The ICCF Liaison Officer to FIDE informed the Congress about normal contacts with FIDE and reported that he had attended the General Assembly of FIDE in Brazil. At this Assembly, the ICCF title-holders nominated in Graz and Gdansk were confirmed by FIDE. He received appreciation for the work of ICCF from President F. Campomanes and several delegates to the FIDE Congress. The development of technology continued to be a point of discussion between FIDE and ICCF. In the FIDE/ICCF Commission, the Liaison Officer will propose to FIDE the replacement of Prof Dr. W. Sagorowsky (RUS) by S. Grodzensky (RUS), due to the retirement of Mr. Sagorowsky. The Treasurer was able to report a slight increase in funds, which maintained ICCF's sound financial position. He was pleased to report that most of the active members had fulfilled their obligations properly and that specifications had been submitted mostly according to the requirements. However, it had to be taken into account that the organiser of ICCF World Cup VIII/IX had submitted a substantial claim for expenses in the Preliminary Groups of this Tournament. The financial and organisational arrangements for the later stages of these Tournaments required further consideration. The ICCF Treasurer again emphasised that his work could be carried out more efficiently if all Federations used the official ICCF Statements of Account (and Expense Forms) and made prompt payments at the end of each calendar year. The Report of the ICCF Auditor started with information about the thorough methods he had used to verify the ICCF accounts and documents. As a result, the Auditor had been able to inform that the financial position of ICCF at 31/12/93 was correctly represented by the Treasurer. He therefore proposed the discharge of the Treasurer for the year 1993, and this was welcomed by the Congress unanimously.

The ICCF President thanked the General Secretary, the Tournament Director and his team, the ICCF Liaison Officer to FIDE, the Treasurer and his Assistant, the Auditor and the Leaders of the Tournament Bureaux and their Assistants, for their valuable work. ICCF Congress, Perth, Scotland, 1994


The Report of the Qualifications Commission included the outcome of the meetings of the Commission which had taken place during the Congress and discussions on Rules of Play conducted by correspondence. The Congress unanimously confirmed the titles for 8 Correspondence Chess Grandmasters, 56 International Correspondence Chess Masters, 3 International Correspondence Chess Lady Masters and 5 International Arbiters of ICCF. As required by paragraph 53(e) of the Rules of Play, the Congress also confirmed one further International Correspondence Chess Lady Master and, according to paragraph 56(c), two further International Arbiters of ICCF. For the list of new title-holders, see "Title Awards". The Congress unanimously adopted an addition to paragraph 36 of the Rules of Play and some additions to paragraphs 45 and 51-53 (see Matters pertaining to the Rules of Play). The Qualifications Commission brought forward a proposal to go back to 1946 to recognise all title results using the current rating system. This indicated that there could be requests for 4 International Correspondence Chess Master norms, 32 International Correspondence Chess Master titles and 1 Correspondence Chess Grandmaster norm. The proposal of the Commission to recognise those results in the 1946-1987 period was accepted by the Congress with one vote against and three abstentions. The Federations would be informed to enable them to submit applications for the respective players. Four items (Rights of the World Champion, Exceptions to the Rules, Tournaments to be Rated, and New Rules for Awarding Titles) had been discussed extensively in the Commission and were rejected. An overview about the procedure for ICCF medals/certificates and needles was presented to the Congress, together with the updated list of ICCF title-holders. On the proposal of the Qualifications Commission, the following norms were established: World Championship XIV Final World Championship XX Semi-final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Abonyi Tournament Fax Tournament

9 10 Section 19 20 21 Section A Section B

ICCF Congress, Perth, Scotland, 1994

GM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM title IM norm IM norm IM norm GM title IM title GM title IM title

pts 8 pts 8 pts 8 ' / 2 pts 8 pts 81/2 pts 8 V 2 pts 8 pts 8 pts 8 pts 8 pts 6 pts 6 pts 6 pts 9 pts 6 pts 10'/2 pts 7 ' / 2 pts 8


Anglo Pacific Championship II Pan American TT VI Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 European Championships EU-FSM 50 51 52 Invitational Tournaments VII North American Invitational Championships 20-Year APA Magazine (ARG/LADAC) Romanov Memorial (RUS) SSKK Bulletin 40 years (SVE) Peru Cup II Final

IM title 9'/2 pts IM norm 7 pts IM norm 7 pts IM norm 7 pts IM norm 7 ' / 2 pts IM norm 7 V 2 pts IM norm 7 ' / 2 pts IM title 8 pts IM title 8 pts IM title 8 ' / 2 pts IM title IM title IM title GM title IM title

10'/4pts S'/a pts 7 pts 8'/2 pts 6 pts

IM title 10 pts

Changes to Norms (established previously) World Championship XVI ^-Final, Section 1 IM title 6Vz pts CNEC 15 years (ALG) GM title 9 pts Konstantinopolskij Memorial (RUS) GM title 9 pts IM titleXXI would 6 pts be announced. Relating to In Spring 1995, the Semi-finals of World CC Championship para. 6g of the Rules of Play, it was proposed to set a minimum fixed rating of 2570 for this tournament and this was confirmed by the Congress unanimously. At the same time, the World CC Championship XVII %-Finals would also be announced and, relating to para. 8h of the Rules of Play, a minimum fixed rating of 2600 was confirmed unanimously. The Report of the Rules Commission gave an overview of the ideas being considered by the members of the Commission. The main purpose behind the discussions was to shorten the Tournament Rules as much as possible with the aim to make them easier to understand by the average player. The Commission also was considering a proposal to eliminate the second time control. All ideas would be brought in draft form to fijture congresses so that printing could be coordinated with other ICCF documents being updated. At that time, the new printed version would reverse the respective headings "Rules of Play" and "Tournament Rules" (as decided previously at the 1992 Congress). The Tournament Commission reported that an investigation for special "computer-free" tournaments had been rejected. The Abonyi Tournaments would be discontinued on 31/12/94. The tournaments arranged under the name of Abonyi Tournaments would be continued in a similar way (see Rules of Play) but under the name "Master Norm Tournaments", with effect from 1/1/95. The production of written guidelines for Tournament Secretaries was a complex matter and also it could not be completed until the new Rules of Play, being prepared by the Rules Committee, had been designed and adopted. ICCF Congress. Perth. Scotland. 1994


The following Tournaments were approved unanimously by the Congress: Team Tournaments Norway North Atlantic TT IV. Start Autumn 1995 10 boards, 11 teams being Canada, England, France, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, USA and Wales. Italy Coppa Latina V, Start Summer/Autumn 1995 10 boards, double-rounded, 8 teams being Belgium, France, Italy A, Italy B, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland. Individual Tournaments Slovenia Dr. Milan Vidmar Memorial II GM Tournament, 15 players, to start 1995. CAPA (ARG) Alfredo Lewkowitz Memorial "B" 2nd GM Section, 15 players, to start November 1994. Pedro Martinez Acosta Memorial 2 X IM Tournaments, 15 players, start May 1995. LADAC (ARG) Antonio Gerardo Lascurain Memorial GM Tournament, 15 players, start 1995. Eduardo Bautista Secchi Vigneau Memorial GM Tournament, 15 players, start 1995. Arturo Jorge Loeffler Memorial IM Tournament, 15 players, start 1995. Eugenio German Pider Memorial IM Tournament, 15 players, start 1995. Scotland

Alan Shaw Memorial IM Tournament, 15 players, start early 1995. Bernard Partridge Memorial

Russia Estonia Bulgaria Peru

Open Tournament for players with ratings below 2200 - start early 1995. Jacob Eventov Memorial IM Tournament, 15-17 players, start Winter 1995. Paul Keres Memorial II IM Tournament, 15 players, start 7/1/95. Nichola Bakharov Memorial IM Tournament, 15 players, start 1994. Peru Cup II Final Level IM Tournament, 17 players, start 1994.

ICCF Congress, Perth. Scotland. 1994


The following Tournament is covered by ICCF licence agreements: Algeria 2nd African Individual Championship Propagandistic Tournament, start 1995. According to the information provided to the Tournament Commission, CAPA (ARG) was investigating the possibilities for a match between the 10 highest rated players against World Champions (Vice Champions). CAPA would provide further information about the possibilities of such a match to the 1995 Congress. The achievement of the CC Federations from Finland and Sweden of having reached the goal of 500 boards in their match (likely to be further exceeded) would be submitted to the "Guinness Book of Records". . This record could be broken soon when a proposed match between Italy v Germany of 1000 boards was started. The Report of the Telechess Commission informed that, thanks to the efforts of the ICCF President, the preparations had been started for the experimental fax tournaments, after the financial basis had been secured. The Commission had succeeded in composing two Grandmaster sections, which would be started officially on 15/9/94. At the occasion of the Congress in Scotland, the ICCF President transmitted a ceremonial opening move in the game A.P. Borwell (SCO) v H. Glaser (SIP) The Report of the Documentation Commission informed Congress that the connections with the CC Yearbook had improved. However, the relations with its Editors had not yet reached their full potential but further negotiations would take place so that the exchange of books and games would be in accordance with the agreement. The Documentation Commission expressed its regret that copies of many International and National CC Magazines were not provided for the important work of ICCF Archives. The Commission urged again that such documents, together with completed biographical forms, should be provided by all CC Federations. The Congress was given an overview of the number of titles awarded since 1953 up to 1994. From that, it could be seen that in the period of 41 years, 126 Correspondence Chess Grandmasters, 706 Correspondence Chess International Masters and 50 International Lady Master titles were awarded. The Ratings Commissioner reported that in the new list at 1/7/94, the results of 7895 players in 1309 tournaments and 132 country matches had been calculated. There were currently 22068 players in the system, 5037 players (3652 with fixed rating) on the new list and 167 were on the Ladies list (150 with fixed rating). A control of deflation/inflation of rating numbers had taken place with a group of 295 players who had completed 80 games before 1986. The result of this study did not indicate that any correction was necessary.

ICCF Congress. Penh. Scotland. 1994


The Ratings Commissioner had found a suitably qualified successor, enabling him to retire after 17 years' work with ICCF Ratings. This successor, Mr. G. Binder, Sauerlandstrasse 8, D-70794 Filderstadt, Germany, would start the complete role as ICCF Ratings Commissioner immediately following the 1994 Congress. All federations were requested to provide him with the necessary rating details but to continue sending all matters regarding the Qualifications Commission to Mr. van't Riet. The ICCF President thanked Mr. van't Riet for his excellent and long years of work with ICCF ratings. He wished Mr. Binder the same success and pleasure in carrying out this important job and thanked the German Federation for nominating Mr. Binder Co-options to the Commissions to the Qualifications Commission:

G. Binder (GER) Dr. G. Retsagi (HUN) deceased: Ing. AG. Lascurain (ARG) retired: U. Bade (GER) JR. Lopez Gomez (CUB)

to the Tournament Commission:

C.A. Rinaldi (ARG) deceased: Ing. A.G. Lascurain (ARG)

to the Documentation Commission:

J. Karelin (RUS) deceased: I. Romanov (RUS)

The ICCF President thanked the Commissions and Expert Group, as well as the respective Chairmen, for the work carried out. Title Awards Correspondence Chess Grandmaster F. Hovde (NOR) Dr. A.A. Idema (NLD) I. A. Kopylov (RUS) Dr. M. Kreuzer (GER)

G. Osterman (FIN) B. Sorensen (DEN) T. Wibe (NOR) A. Zilberberg (USA)

International Correspondence Chess Master 0. Batakovs (LAT) J. Garcia Gutierrez (ESP) Dr. W. Baumgartner (SWZ) I. Goljak (USA) V.N. Bondar (UKR) CP. Gouw (NLD) F.A. Camaratta (USA) A. Grahl (GER) 1. Christov (BLG) G. Haese (GER) V.A. Dambrauskas (LIT) H. Hradetzky (GER) R. Cmsi More (ESP) H. Hurter (GER) A. Eriksson (SVE) J. Jenal (SWZ) HP. Fecht (GER) H. van Kempen (GER) F. Fleischhanderl (OST) J. Kivimaki (FIN) N.J. Fries Nielsen (DEN) T. Kokkila (FIN) ICCF Congress. Perth. Scotland. 1994


International Correspondence Chess Master (continued) J. Kristinsson (ISD) S.U. Pinkovetskij (RUS) 0. Kroll (DEN) J. Pocksteiner (OST) J. Lanzendorfer (GER) T. Raupp (GER) B. Leiber (GER) Prof R.I. Reynolds (USA) M. Lindgren (SVE) I. Rydholm (SVE) C. Lofgren (DEN) H. Salokangas (FIN) A.T. Ludgate (IRL) V.M. Samojlov (RUS) P. Ma (AUS) W. Schneider (GER) P.K. Slavtschev (BLG) Dr. C.A. McNab (SCO) CO. Stal (SVE) G. Melson (GER) H. Staudler (GER) J. Meyers (USA) T. Tiits (EST) P.J.R. Millican (ENG) D. Topolewski (GER) 1. L. Minkov (BLG) S.A. Vdovin (RUS) M. Nizynski (POL) R. Wolny (POL) E. Osbun (USA) V. Zanetti (ITA) J. Pares Vives (ESP) A. Zatsch (GER) V. Petrov (BLG) v/«^-f-^^^(^^^ International Correspondence Chess Lady Master G.L. Finegold (USA) S. Plauth-Herr (GER) G.M. Keso-Gombas (HUN) M. Rechkova (CZE) International Arbiter of the ICCF M.J. Archangelskij (RUS) J. Deidun, Snr (CAN) J.P. Dondelinger (BEL) C. Flores Gutierrez (ESP)

R.P. Marconi (CAN) P. Rasmunsen (DEN) D. Smith (CAN)

Matters pertaining to the Rules of Play The Congress unanimously accepted the following addition to the Rules of Play: Paragraph 36 Insert after "e.g." Master Norm tournaments, In Clarifications to the Rules of Play, add :"To 36" "Sections of the ICCF Master Norm tournaments will consist of 11 players and will be composed in such a way that the requirements for international title tournaments are met. The following players have the right to participate, in not more than one new section a year : • players with a fixed rating of at least 2300 (2000 for ladies) • players with a non-fixed rating of at least 2350 (2050 for ladies) • unrated players with a FIDE rating of at least 2350 (2050 for ladies) • players who have taken a medal place (1-3) in a national championship, (or won a national championship for ladies). • other players of whom their participation does not lower the category of the section. Section winners who do not reach the norm result qualify for the (Ladies) World Championship Semi-finals. ICCF Congress, Perth, Scotland, 1994


"To 45 and 51-53" Paragraph 2(a) After the penultimate sentence "Unrated players shall be considered using the nominal figure of 2200", add the following: "unless such a player in an ICCF tournament or continental championship has a higher provisional rating based on at least 12 games; then he shall be considered using the figure of 2200 + {(pn / 20) * (Ro - 2200)) where pn is the total number of rated games played by the player until then; Ro is the provisional rating of the player. This figure will be rounded off to the nearest five or zero." Paragraph 2(b) After the penultimate sentence "Unrated players shall be considered using the nominal figure of 1900", add the following: "unless such a player in an ICCF tournament or continental championship has a higher provisional rating based on at least 12 games; then she shall be considered using the figure of 1900 + ((pn / 20) * (Ro - 1900)} where pn is the total number of rated games played by the player until then Ro is the provisional rating of the player. This figure will be rounded off to the nearest five or zero." Matters pertaining to Internal Affairs Under this item, the ICCF President informed the Congress that the death of Ing. A.G. Lascurain had caused a vacancy in the team of Vice Presidents. The Congress agreed that a replacement for Ing. Lascurain was not appropriate because his duties could be assumed by the remaining team until the 1995 elections. Looking forward to the 1995 elections, the ICCF President informed the Congress that he would send a letter shortly to Members of the Presidium and all Federations to ask for nominations of candidates fi-om their own federations for the members of the new Presidium (excluding Zonal Directors). He emphasised that such nominations must be received by the President before 1st February 1995 so that member federations could be informed about the respective candidates along with the Agenda for the 1995 Congress. Matters pertaining to the Constitution After a fiill day's discussion, the Congress approved new ICCF Statutes and separate Schedules A, B and C unanimously, after incorporating improvements to the original draft previously sent to all member federations earlier in 1994. After formal signature by the ICCF President and General Secretary, the newly approved Statutes, along with the separate Schedules A, B and C, would form part of the Minutes of the 1994 Congress.

ICCF Congress. Perth. Scotland. 1994


Meeting 1995 It was decided unanimously to hold a Congress in 1995. The delegate of Norway informed that the 1995 Congress would be held in the town of Gjevik (125km north of Oslo) from 3rd to 10th September 1995. He read letters of invitation from the Mayor of Gjovik and the President of the Norwegian Federation. Next Meetings It was decided to have a Congress in 1996 which would be organised by the German Federation. It would be held in Bad Neuenahr (in the neighbourhood of Bonn) during the last full week of August 1996. The Congress decided unanimously to accept the invitation from Argentina (LADAC) for the Congress 1997. The President would make further contact with the Board of LADAC. The ICCF President informed that invitations in principle had already been received for the years after 1997 from Latvia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

There were no matters or proposals raised which were not included in the Agenda.

The ICCF President thanked all participants for their good co-operation during the meeting. With words of cordial thanks to the host federation, especially its organising committee for the excellent arrangements made for the meeting, the ICCF President closed the meetings of the 1994 Congress.

President H.J. Mostert

General Secretary P. Diaconescu

10th September 1994 Perth, Scotland

ICCFCongres.i. Perth. Scotland. 1994


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