New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Record - 08/05/1982 (2024)

Unlike you. And Bill Perry what's new. Good evening. Ken has the night off. I'm Rolonda Watts. The July 4th weekend is rapidly drawing to a close we'll have a report on how some New Jerseyans spent the day today. Bobby Chavez the Lewises and the cosmos tonight in sports with Bill Perry. And we'll take a closer look at the rodeo. New Jersey style New Jerseyans this evening are putting the finishing touches on the three day July 4th weekend. Today was a banner day for Atlantic City casinos and shore resort towns with capacity crowds reported at both places. But on the negative side 10 persons have lost their lives on New Jersey's highways thus far this weekend and the heaviest traffic is expected to see. With the beginning of the long drive home on the New Jersey Turnpike this afternoon traffic was moderate with no major delays reported. The same was true on the Garden State Parkway bot officials are bracing for heavy traffic later this evening. Earlier in the day it was fun in the sun at the shore with these ocean cities typical of those other beaches around the state and in North Jersey.

Perfect weather drew crowds to several holiday happenings. Diane doctor reports. Thousands of people spent the holiday at Port Newark taking a tour of the Coast Guard cutter Dallas the 300 and 78 foot vessel was on exhibit as part of the New York New Jersey Harbor festival. This was going on outside. Inside the sound of a different drummer. You're watching OT zap. New Jersey's own wandering troubadour. I really enjoyed seeing the faces of the people lined up. Knowing that they're enjoying the day. Well I'm enjoying the day everyone's having a good time and that's what matters. Oti did his wandering this day among different arts and crafts exhibits and exhibitors carved right out of American history. Speaking of carving cards or puppets by hand although sometimes they get a little out of hand.

In the Ironbound section of Newark a multi ethnic festival marks this holiday in the spirit of American entrepreneurship. There's an eager bargain maker for every bargain hunter. There are only a dollar appearing somewhere in several ways. How can you where you know where my plate this like antennas. Are like bugs. Like these but they wear them. How else. Were in like this. I think people are buying. Everybody loves a clown. Away with these guys. Will it still I mean are they planning aside organizers hope to draw as many as 50000 people to the Ironbound today in terms of people wanting to find their roots and come back to where it all began and start this is the type of community they would want to come to and the type celebration they would want to come to and what it is a lot of Americans who share that and want to share their their background their heritage and whatever your background or

heritage there's one thing everyone has in common on the Fourth of July. Food glorious food whether it's as American as lives or as exotic as it is it is a feast for the archives as well at Liberty State Park an appropriate place to wish America happy birthday in Jersey City. I'm dyin doctor. Days like today make it easy to see why the beaches are one of New Jersey's most valuable resources. And despite extensive efforts to preserve them and many shore communities the beaches are eroding. There have been numerous ideas over the years on how to save the beaches. Dan Hobson has a report on the latest proposal. From Sandy Hook to Cape May. It's a case of the disappearing beaches. The mystery is how to stop Mother Nature from gathering huge chunks of valuable beach from the Jersey shore line for the shore. Finding a solution is a matter of economic life or death. We would do

anything to keep the beaches from the reading but what can be done. Twenty million dollar state bond issue to build expensive drawings and jetties evaporated after making only a small dent in the problem. Everything from Christmas trees to snow fences have been used in an effort to hold on to what sand remains. But despite these efforts in Stone Harbor zero to. Be on the point of no return down here. Dummy on the jetty. And so now the borough is considering a new remarkably durable substance being sold as artificial seaweed upon scientists created but they didn't know what to do with it so they sold it to Bill Garrett's father. He figured by cutting four foot long strands and anchoring them in the sand a few hundred feet offshore. You could prevent beach erosion. These. Frontlines float on the water. This way. Polish will. Reappear. Next thing you know you have a peek. You know it's simple is it.

It would take almost a million dollars to build the jetties needed to say Stone Harbor Point. Baird says his seascapes as he calls it can do the job for thirty thousand dollars. Everyone we talked with who has an opinion on artificial sea weight thinks Seascape is pretty good stuff. Of course most beach experts still say it's just too early to tell but there is impressive evidence that seascape or something like it will eventually replace growing and jetties and providing the best answer to solve the case of the disappearing beaches. Just one year ago the sea had destroyed nearly all the beaches around the Cape Hatteras lighthouse in North Carolina then seascape was put in. Ten months later the beach had grown by 300 feet. Similar success stories have occurred in other areas as well in the seascape material is environmentally harmless. If it does this in a great stone harbor officials are still not sure something this simple can work that well they're looking for experts to support its claims before making a final decision. But Garrett predicts within a few years the seascape will line the Jersey Shore Sandy Hook to Cape May in-store harbor. I'm Dan Halutz. The Senate Ethics Committee is considering whether to take steps against former senator Harrison

Williams in connection with about $70000 in left over campaign funds. The New Jersey Democrat resigned from his Senate seat in March while facing expulsion for his conviction on bribery and conspiracy charges in the Abscam case. A check for $70000 was recently given to Williams byas campaign treasurer Bernard Monday. Monday says he's got the OK to do so from the Federal Election Commission and some other lawyers but others have pointed to a Senate rule that says the campaign funds of senators and former senators cannot be converted to personal use. Ethics Committee chairman Republican Sen. Malcolm Wallop of Wyoming and Mitt. There is little the Senate can actually do. However one option is to limit or totally remove Williams privileges as a former senator. Of the United States Army has decided it no longer means some 97 acres of New Jersey land so the federal government is going to sell it. It all falls under President Reagan's program to dispose of about 60000 acres of surplus federal

property. Officials say this will help reduce the national debt by bringing in about a billion dollars next year and 17 billion over the next five years. The New Jersey cites include the former Nike missile site in Moorestown the National Guard side in Oakland and a portion of Fort Monmouth in Red Bank. New Jersey State House may soon be getting a facelift. Brenda Flanagan reports the renovations will focus on preserving historic aspects and correcting safety hazards. New Jersey's Capitol building is the second oldest state house which has been in continuous use. The oldest is in Annapolis Maryland originally built in 1793. The structure has been enlarged by several additions over the years but hasn't been a run of it completely for decades concerned over further deterioration of the capital's historic features. The Legislative Services Commission paid to Princeton architectural firms $100000 to study both the State House and the Onyx their preliminary recommendations in the Senate chambers rescue turn of the century murals from water damage

caused by a leaking roof and replace modern dust with period pieces in the assembly. Repair the vaulted ceilings and restore the grand chandelier and return an office once used by former Gov. Woodrow Wilson to historic accuracy. The firms also advised scrapping the outside air conditioners for a more energy efficient system and modernizing fire safety features. Both the State House and the annex were built before we had modern fire codes electrical codes etc.. We have for example around the state house a jerry built system of the fire escape ladders on every side pouring out from the fourth or third floor second floor and it enhances the appearance of the quaint almost medieval building here. But it does not provide efficient exit in the event of some calamity existing fire hazards require major renovations next door at the annex where fire stairs would be installed at the end of two long halls space vacated when the new justice complex opened would be occupied by about 200 legal and legislative services employees now crowded

into cramped statehouse offices. We're not talking about getting new space to house new people. We have people already on the staff who are in very cramped committee rooms committee meeting spaces which have very little space for members of the public to come to watch or participate in the committee process. The price tag for all this. Thirty five million dollars could increase after the two firms finished studying the governor's office. If the state building authority agrees to float the necessary bond the two year project could be underway by 1983 in Trenton. I'm Brenda Flanagan. Jersey is one state that provides free or low cost housing for some state employees bought a lot of committee wants to see that practice. Stopped Steve Katz has the story. These houses in suburban trying to narrow along over 400 owned by the state and provided free or at low rent to state employees. There are also over 200 apartments owned by the state and over a thousand single rooms available at low or no rent with utilities provided about sixteen hundred state workers from cabinet members to cafeteria workers live in the state

owned housing. Most of the units are owned by the Department of Human Services and located on the grounds of their facilities such as these houses at the Trenton psychiatric hospital. Five other departments including corrections defense education higher education and environmental protection. Also on housing units the rents are set by the civil service department but an investigation by the Legislative Oversight Committee of the state assembly concludes that the system of providing free or low cost housing constitutes quote an uneven patchwork of rationalizations and arrangements that inevitably fails to reflect an across the board state wide perspective and quote each department sets its own criteria for providing housing. Many of the employee's departments say must live at or near the hospital's prisons or other facilities where they work. There are other reasons too. This is drums whack it. Now the governor's mansion What's a nine hundred seventy seven thousand eighty one the residence of the chancellor of higher education. When it was decided that this would be the governor's home a new house was bought for the chancellor needed according to the Board of Higher Education. So the chancellor would

have a nice place to meet with other education officials on evenings and weekends. I can only assume that there's no reason why the Chancellor should have a free house if it's on premises which in this case it is. It should be sold if you want to buy a house fine if you want to rent a house. He's he's got that prerogative but the state shouldn't have to pay for it. His salary should be commensurate with his duties and the House should not be part of it. Human Services has begun its own review of the housing it owns and the Legislative Oversight Committee has introduced a bill that would regulate state housing. He would mandate that market value rents be paid and that utilities not be included in the rent. The bill has bipartisan support and is seen as having a good chance of passing in Trenton. I'm Steve Katz. The Pinelands Commission is about to undergo some revamping by Governor Kaine. The governor plans to replace three commission members who have been staunch advocates of the state having total control over the South Jersey area. But in showing his commitment to preserving the 1500 square mile region Governor Kaine plans to name Commission Chairman

Frank Parker to another term. Sources close to the 15 member commission say the governor has decided not to reappoint Bass River mayor Floyd West. Gary Patterson who's a professor of environmental sciences at Glassboro State College and Peter Burke a Williamstown accountant and vice president of the commission. Now although the governor refused to confirm a decision to replace those three members he did say he plans to reappoint Parker. To Atlantic County Assemblyman are hoping to push a bill through the legislature that would help fund the renovation of convention hall. Democrat Michael Matthews and Republican William Gormley say the bill which is expected to raise up to three million dollars next this school year would change the way Atlantic City's luxury tax is figured an additional 2 percent levy would be placed on liquor served in Atlantic City's nine operating casinos. The revenue is being targeted to fill the current operating deficit of the haul as well as the renovation costs. A Princeton company has recently

attracted national attention because of its product a battery operated horrible pain killer. Diane doctor has this report. Size of a matchbook. This device called the Trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulator or tends for short. It is the latest and smallest competitor in the expanding electronic battle against pain. The manufacturer biosystem incorporated of Princeton says the FDA approved product is especially effective for arthritis pain menstrual cramps and sports injuries. Only your cooling to your body continued is not a sick boy dropping. Plus the electronic devices are said to work by stimulating nerve passages near the painful area. An advanced form of acupuncture where the pain may

subside the cause of the pain remains. So it's important tends be used as part of an overall treatment not alone as well. We asked a New Jersey network employee who suffers from arthritis to try a biosystem device. Joan Konner has tried everything from drugs to acupuncture to gold dust injections. She had some success with acupuncture on the day before this treatment she'd experienced severe pain. On this day her limbs still ached. Turn on one channel for us. Tell me when you start to feel a slight electrical tingling biosystem recommends a half hour treatment. That's what Joan got this list of mine. Before that they were. Too well. The device is still for three hundred ninety five dollars and are currently available by prescription only.

Bios Jim has been marketing the device since March. The company predicts 2 million dollars in sales this year in Princeton. I'm dyin doctor. Well the same kind of clear weather that made last night a good one for watching fireworks should provide a good view of another kind of sky show tonight at 22 minutes past midnight the moon will begin moving into the shadow of the earth in the longest lasting lunar eclipse since 1963. Now between 240 and 425 in the morning the shadow will cover the moon it is expected to pick up a dark reddish color eclipse. Experts say the view will be more colorful this year because of a volcano eruption in Mexico that sent dust particles into the atmosphere. Those experts say this may be the last lunar eclipse for the next 100 years. And here's a look at the weather forecast tonight will be clear and cool with temperatures in the low 60s sunny and warm and humid tomorrow with daytime highs in the mid 80s. And the outlook for Wednesday is good. Sunny and mild. And on this extended holiday weekend what can be more American. Think

Cowboys. Reporter Tricia Gaspar racin crew Paul Garrett and Joe Martin take a closer look at the countdown rodeo in South Jersey. So take off your boots and relax because first we're going to look you in the rodeo. No this isn't Texas but it is the southwest southwest New Jersey that is. It's the cow town rodeo in Sharpstown Salem County and every Saturday night it comes alive with cowboys and cowgirls and those who just wish they were. The geographic location of the Rodeo is situated a few miles below the Mason-Dixon line. Oddly enough the Mason-Dixon line runs right through South Jersey.

The rodeo which emerged in 1931 still retains that southern atmosphere. Even green house who now runs the rodeo was a great grandfather started just doesn't sound like a New Jersey native. Everybody wants to be a cowboy but today's rodeo cowboys are somewhat different than those of old used to be that. The ranch raised cowboy was almost a prerequisite another word for a guy to compete especially rodeo. And nowadays they come from all walks of life should stockbrokers to carpenters here Cowtown there are two types of cowboys. Those that do nothing else but ride the rodeo circuit to earn their livings. That average is about $20000 a year and those that have full time jobs and ride the rodeo part time like Bobby Roberte out of half school Bobby went to college on a rodeo scholarship. Now he owns a gas pipeline company in North Jersey but the rodeo is where his heart is. It's very tough for someone that does it on a part time basis which I wrote every

day. But it's a limited amount you know on a business to run and not come home with C. O certified to tuck. In in saddle horses and start to row. Well I'm just a little bit more tired than than someone that started at 9am fresh out of bed you know away from the breakfast table. And this is a text Bobby's father who still occasionally competes at the age of 72. It's kind of a natural progression. Type of thing. You know if if your dad is involved in something it's a pretty fair chance that you might be also you know as a youngster grown up. That's how I got him. Involved. Susan lol. Perhaps. Perhaps Willie Nelson in Wayne and Jennings perhaps they're thinking of the old time.

Roughneck type Cowboys maybe. I think the song can be changed to fit any situation. You know. Someone it's not a bad experience with a doctor perhaps. Woods. Would like to say Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be doctors or liverwurst. It seems that rodeo is very much a family sport. The Desi Otto's of Whitehouse Station New Jersey are competing father Tony wrestles steers. Or sometimes they wrestle him. Son Mark rides Bronx. And the Cowgirls in the family get a chance to show off their talents too. Seventeen year old Jill has been riding since she was five. Her mother competed in the same event that Joe excels in today. The barrel race which is the only women's event at Cowtown. Haven't had a horse that has. To be able to have

speed in their. Homes and sudden turn. Of. Events. In which to do it. This night. When the barrel race but the time of seventeen point nine seconds. Cowboys have always been heroes but the romantic image on the silver screen sometimes gives a false impression. Cowboy life was not regular. There's a lot of time when he's not out riding a praise dig postholes or breaking Colts or open running kids and there's more dust in the newer involvement than riding off into the sunset.

It's time for sports Bill Perry is in New York with boxing to start it off. So sock it to us Bill. OK thank you a lot to another impressive performance for New Jersey's middleweight champion Bobby chose Saturday night Bobby out of want to cue now 19 0 with 14 Kaos made quick

work of New York's Manuel Milan who is now 13 3 and 1 she has returned to ice world in toto where he made his professional debut a sellout crowd. Bobby's manager Luba and trainer Tommy Parke said these words before round two. People. Lifted me to look at the last minute communique. Just wants everyone. To. Put on the planet. Lesions. Looking to the bottom. Right. Hand side. And in the second round she has used that left hand duvet told him any time you want. Put Malone down first time Manuel Malone's been down as a professional Park said he had combinations and then go to the body. Bobby did that and finished Malone won 20 for the time. Next Chaz will meet the WBA sixth ranked middleweight Johnny Powell park in his manager do the are now ready for the elite of the middleweight class. We're ready right now we're ready for anybody and hackers included right up to the top in just a matter of time. We're going to 6 5 4 right up there we're ready to work and we're working hard we've got a lot of time we're going to do it.

It being the middleweight title but Marvin Hagler Calm down guys calm down not yet will not. Yes despite the Lewises from willing brother Soviet Union defeated the USA Track and Field meet over the weekend the first Russian win over the U.S. on American soil in a dual meet in 18 years in Indianapolis. The Russians want to 207 points to 167 taking the men's competition 118 to 100 in the women's half 89 to 67. Carl Lewis won the 100 meter dash the world record held by Jim Hines nine point nine five second set in 1968 the Mexico City Olympics the meat's record held by the Soviets Valery Borisoff 10 seconds flat seven 1075 Carle second from the left won it as the U.S. finished 1 2. How close was it well watch at the finish the lean did it Lewis nipping teammate Calvin Smith the winning time ten point 0 9 seconds how close. Smith one hundredth of a second back and I said despite the Lewises Carl is Carol. It's big brother to her it is. And Carol won the women's long jump 21 feet eight and a quarter inches the winning late both Carl and Carol are surefire 1984 Olympians. We'll have lots more on the

Cosmos tonight live at 8:00 on the New Jersey network on my cosmos Close-Up show but here the only goal in Saturday night's game Vancouver beat the most. One to nothing that's two straight defeats for the Cosmos first time that's happened all year. Also the first time they've been shut out the white caps from out of their own and in the second half the pass up to Pete alarm and he's got Bob Lerner doozie overlapping on the right side. Lorrimer with the feet leading Leonard oozing on the cross for Carl Valentine no chance for you but Burke and Meyer that was it. Won nothing Vancouver wins it 65 23 the time cosmos close up I'll be back on New Jersey network live at 8 Well John McEnroe not only failed to defend his Wimbledon singles title but he also lost his doubles title with partner Peter Fleming from Chatham. This is Jimmy Connors getting even at two sets apiece winning the fourth set tiebreaker against Mack then six for Connors in the fifth to win it McEnroe and Fleming Meanwhile dropped the doubles final 6 3 6 2 2. PETER McNAMARA and Paul McNamee from Australia that's our sports let's take it back to Rolonda in Trenton. RW Thank you Bill. And that's the news for Bill Perry in New York and the

rest of the nightly news team. I'm realigned to watch Wishing you and yours a good night. New Jersey Nightly News is a joint presentation of New Jersey. And WMD to eat 13. Portions with corn.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Record - 08/05/1982 (2024)


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