Ālea Iacta Est - Chapter 19 - risokura - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)

Chapter Text

I need you to come down to the agency with Black Swan tomorrow morning. The police have been coming around to question everyone about that night and they want to speak with you as well.

A text from Kafka comes around to shatter the peace of the dream late one night.

No need to worry though. The only person getting cuffed with anything and taken away to jail of any sort will be Stelle when Friday night comes around.

Acheron almost wants to text Kafka back and tell her she doesn’t want to hear about all the freaky things she intends to do to Stelle. But, she supposes it was payback in some way. Encouraging as she may be, she had an inkling that Kafka had had enough of her and Black Swan’s horny antics up to this point.

Acheron doesn’t tell Black Swan about the text message until the next morning, when she’s dressed and ready to leave before Black Swan even wakes up. She tells Black Swan—Kafka wants me to come in—and watches the anxiety wash over Black Swan’s face as she already knows what this is about. Black Swan in return tells Acheron she had been keeping things quiet about things because she didn’t want to alarm her, but Acheron doesn’t care. She knew there would be possible consequences for their actions, and she was finally ready to face them whatever they may be.

They hop the train to the agency together. Black Swan tries to keep things light and normal even though Acheron remains stone faced and silent. Acheron only asks Black Swan if she’s been questioned herself when they’re closer to the agency and Black Swan tells her barely. The police only asked her things like where was she on the night of the event, granting an additional pass to her alibi when Elio and Kafka lean in to corroborate in her story—After all, she barely knows who IX is. Why is it so important that you ask her about this now?

The only interaction she’s had with law enforcement since then is when they’ve popped up at reception a few times during the week to speak with Kafka or Elio. Black Swan tries to remain calm, seeing as Kafka always seems to have a smile on her face even with the increase in police presence. She doesn’t appear to be fazed at all, relaxed even. Although, there’s an eerie look that remains in those naturally dreamy and sleepy eyes.

“It should be odd that this is the one possible scenario that was never discussed between the three of us when we set out to plan this entire thing.” Acheron mutters as Black Swan tightens her grip on her hand, “…But knowing Kafka, perhaps she didn’t feel the need to do so. She had those cameras cut for a reason. And she said Elio was behind us in everything that we planned to do.”

“I thought about that too…” Black Swan murmurs, reaching up to wrap her arm around Acheron’s. She tightens her grip as leans into Acheron's shoulder, “And perhaps you are right to assume that. But maybe Kafka didn’t want to talk about that with you considering you might back down once we truly considered the repercussions of everything.”

“She asked me multiple times if I wanted to go through with this, and I always told her yes.” Acheron answers, “Perhaps she was confident enough in thinking that we wouldn’t get caught.” She shakes her head with a strained sigh, “Nonetheless, I’m not entirely up for speaking with law enforcement about the whole thing.”

“If you’re wondering about what I told them… it wasn’t much of anything. I said I was at the party the entire night… with her and Elio vouching for me.” Black Swan says, giving Acheron’s arm a gentle squeeze, “Kafka has remained tight lipped, though. She keeps telling me that there’s nothing to worry about. All of this will pass and their interest in the matter will eventually die down.”

“They were in the room with you while you were questioned?” Acheron asks.

“No, I was in there alone.” Black Swan replies, “But, the police already knew who I was. That was a little jarring, but I suppose it's to be expected as it's my understanding that they’ve done a little digging into our backgrounds. They didn’t keep me for long." She grits her teeth, "Silver Wolf went through the same thing, too."

“So… they suspect us?”

“I don’t think so.” Black Swan says, “They told me they know IX disappeared from the party sometime during the night. But, no one could speak a word to her whereabouts when that happened. The person that questioned me told me that the cameras had been down—as we obviously know as to why—and so they were trying to piece together the events of the night by word of mouth.”

“But… surely someone noticed that we all disappeared right around the time that IX did.” Acheron murmurs, pushing through one of the large entrance doors of the building.

“Not entirely, no.” Black Swan answers, lowering her voice, “Remember? IX sent Constance on her way when her dress was ruined. She was the only person in attendance with her that night. She’s literally the only person that would have been concerned about IX when she left the party the second time around.”

“…So there was a reason behind what you did? In case something like this happened?” Acheron asks.

“Well, besides what she said about you, I wasn’t thinking about that, per se. But, it’s rather convenient now that I think about it.” Black Swan hesitates for a moment, “Are… you angry with me about not telling you about this sooner?”

“A little… but mostly, no.” Acheron says, shaking her head. She glances down at Black Swan as they pause momentarily in the building’s lobby, “I can understand your reasons for doing so. Protective as you’ve shown yourself to be when it comes to me. You’ve told me before how you want for me to relax in the aftermath of all of this… and news like this would cause anyone to be on high alert.” She leans in, pressing a soft kiss to the side of Black Swan’s temple, “…So, thank you for that.”

“It’s almost jarring how different your response is now to when you first found out that IX was coming to town.” Black Swan says, smiling softly.

“Yes, well… that was before you and Kafka beat the sh*t out of her.” Acheron returns her smile with one of her own.

“I would do it again if you permit me to.” Black Swan says, leaning her head on Acheron’s shoulder and swaying gently.

Before Acheron can answer Black Swan’s romantic and violent requests for more well deserved carnage, someone whistles at them from across the way. Acheron turns away from Black Swan to see Boothill making his way through the security gates, arm stretched out in greeting and a sh*t-eating grin on his face. Acheron’s shoulder slump in annoyance and Black Swan’s smile turns placid, the facade of a gentle receptionist coming to her face.

Acheron!” Boothill shouts. He gives Black Swan a nod of acknowledgment as he approaches them, “I was just settlin’ my sh*t around here, but what a surprise to see you as well. Guess I should expect it though, considerin’ the sh*tshow going on. You got a minute for lil’ bit of chin-wagging, baby?”

Black Swan’s smile is stiff as she hears Boothill refer to Acheron as baby. She shakes her head and pulls Acheron along past Boothill toward the security gate, “We really should be going. Acheron has to meet with Kafka and Elio after all.”

“Ah, yeah. Those two.” Boothill chuckles, taking a sharp inhale of air between his teeth, “I’m guessin’ you’re in for the same thing, huh? You hear about that old outhouse rat getting tore up?”

Acheron freezes in her tracks, squeezing tightly to Black Swan’s hand to halt her from going any further. She slowly turns to look over her shoulder at Boothill, “…Are you referring to IX?”

“Who else would I be talkin’ bout? Po-9’s been sniffin’ around all over Penacony looking for a bite. But sh*t, the culprit’s probably fled tail already like all the rest.” Boothill grins, throwing his arm over his stomach. He throws his head back as he lets loose a loud whoop of laughter, “Heard she was more messed up than some wet hen on Ma’s Jingle Jam Jiggle Moonshine! Who in the hell did that woman piss off that badly to get f*cked up like that?”

“Could be anyone.” Acheron murmurs, resisting the urge to look at Black Swan. “What happened?”

“Don’t really know—but it’s pretty damn bad, so’s I hear. f*ck, whoever did her in like that did just about everythin’ you coulda imagined but put a bullet in her brain.” He sighs wistfully, “Hell, wish I had been there. Woulda let them borrow my gun if that’s what they wanted to do.”Boothill jabs behind him toward the elevators, “That’s why I’m doin’ here in the first place. Ole Elio’s been wranglin’ around everyone who was at the show for questionin’.”

“So you spoke to the police?” Acheron continues, keeping her tone neutral, “What did they ask you?”

“Nothin’ much. Buncha stupid sh*t, really. Where I was, what I doing that night, who I was with.” Boothill shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks down at Acheron, his eyes earnest and strong despite his usual unhinged and wild candor, “Ya know… it’s none of my business, but I know what that witch does to people. Most of all, the whole lot of us saw what she was doing to you.”

“I’m… not sure what you mean by that.” Acheron murmurs, looking to end the conversation with Boothill before he goes too far.

“Anyone could catch the stink of sh*t on that outhouse rat from miles away. I caught her settin’ her eyes on you from time to time during the night.” Boothill says, dropping his arms and placing them on his hips. He glances at Black Swan and then back to Acheron, “As I said, money was damn good at NIHILITY, but we all know how hard she worked ya. And to have the f*ckin’ audacity to come to Penacony and trail after you, well she can choke on owl sh*t.”

“Boothill…” Acheron begins, her eyes growing stern, “Do you know… what exactly happened between IX and I? What caused me to leave NIHILITY in the first place?”

“Heard some rumors, and thought most of them was like calling an alligator a lizard. I don’t buy into sh*t that ain’t mine to know.” He shrugs his shoulders, “Either way, does it matter? Makes my ass itch just thinkin’ about sh*t like that.” Boothill glances over his shoulder as the elevator chimes behind them and he grins when he sees a flash of red hair in the distance, “Anyway, I'd love to keep chatting ya up, but I got my own business to be tendin’ to, ladies.”

Black Swan blinks in confusion as she sees Argenti coming their way. She looks back at Boothill and then Argenti again and wonders—how in the world did those two happen? She clears her throat, pulling Acheron along, “Yes, I think we do as well.”

Boothill grins at Black Swan, before turning back to Acheron, “I’ll be around here for another day or two before I hit the road, but, uh…” He pockets his hands into his front pockets, grasping at the belt around his hips with his thumbs, “How about that drink before I leave, Acheron?”

Acheron glances down at Black Swan, who shrugs at her, before turning back to Boothill, “…Sure, Boothill.” She says as they pass him by, “I’ll get that drink with you.”

Acheron is gone longer than Black Swan would have anticipated.

She sits at the front desk, a slowly burgeoning bundle of nerves that just won’t settle down. Every time a door opens or someone walks by the front desk, she almost shoots up in her chair, expecting it to be Acheron or Kafka. Silver Wolf tells her that she needs to relax. No one suspects them, no one is going to come for them. They’re safe. Acheron just needs to get through her questioning—which is taking entirely way too long—and then she Black Swan can be on their way, skipping merrily to Happy Happy Lesbo Land once again.

After what seems like an eternity—one hour at best—Kafka comes back around to the front desk with Acheron, with two police detectives trailing out in front of them. They exchange a few pleasantries as they approach the front door, telling Acheron if anything else comes to mind to be sure to contact them. Acheron accepts a business card from one of them, telling them politely that she will.

As they leave and the glass doors close behind them, Kafka waves and murmurs a patronizing—Oh, bye-bye. When they’re out of sight and board the elevator, she glances at Acheron and then Black Swan, a mischievous smile on her face. She walks over to the front desk, knocks twice, before wordlessly turning on her heel and sauntering off to her office.

“What happened?” Black Swan asks in a hushed voice as Acheron comes and leans over the front desk.

“Come with me. Kafka said it was all right for you to take a break so we can talk about this in private.” Acheron answers back. She nods her head to the front doors and walks away, waiting for Black Swan to follow her.

Black Swan glances toward Silver Wolf, “You don’t mind—“

“Go.” Silver Wolf says with a wave of her hand, keeping her eyes honed in on her computer.

Black Swan doesn’t need to be told twice. She grabs her phone and locks her computer, before rushing out of the reception desk cubicle and over to where Acheron is waiting for her by the glass entry doors. They don’t speak in the elevator on the way down or when they make it down into the lobby, waiting until they’ve put some distance between themselves and the office building.

Once they're back out on the street, Acheron pulls Black Swan along to a small coffee shop near the office building to get two iced coffees. They leave the cafe and meander about in the area for a while, before finding a bench somewhere a little more secluded where they can sit and talk. Black Swan anxiously sips at her straw, nearly draining the cup of its entire contents as she watches Acheron silently gather her thoughts before she speaks.

“First things first, they said that IX doesn’t remember a thing about what happened to her.” Acheron says, “Her condition was… critical when they found her. A lot of internal bleeding in the abdomen, broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, a concussion and contusions. She might be suffering from some minor brain damage as well considering all those kicks to the face from Kafka’s boots…”

So?” Black Swan asks, not caring one bit to hear how IX was faring after the well deserved retribution, “Is there anything more important that you can tell me?”

“Well the video surveillance wasn’t of any use, thanks to Silver Wolf. So the police have been playing a game of he said she said when trying to piece together the night’s events. I think they’ve been trying to scour through digital records online… pictures and those sorts of things. But, I guess they haven’t had much luck there either. ” Acheron continues, “As for Elio and all of that questioning… he has an alibi. He never left the party, so he’s already covering for us and saying we were there as well.”

“What about that other model? Constance? Have they questioned her about anything? Wouldn’t she have said something about us? Suspicions that we did something? That sort of thing?” The questions fly out of Black Swan’s mouth in rapid succession, barely giving Acheron a chance to answer one.

“If I know IX… and I do… Constance is probably just as brain washed as I was.” Acheron shivers slightly, “But it as you said before. It appears that she left the party after IX sent her on her way to fix the dress that you ruined.”

“Did they ask you about anything else?”

“Actually… they did.”

“About what?” Black Swan asks.

“They… they wanted to know about my incident. From that night in Izumo when I…” Acheron rubs the side of her arm, leaving her thought unfinished, “They’ve… apparently been investigating another matter involving IX.”

“And that is?” Black Swan asks, urging her to continue.

“About IX and … those parties of hers.” Acheron replies, “There was an anonymous model that they questioned… and she said something to the effect of what Kafka had been talking about. You know, about people having a vendetta against IX for the things that she’s done.” She looks down at the ground, “After their initial questioning about the after party, they asked me a few other questions about IX. Considering my past with her and everything else…”

“And …did you tell them the truth?”

Acheron pauses, looking silently back up at Black Swan. She rubs at her arm some more as she looks away again, shaking her head.

“Acheron…” Black Swan scoots over a little closer, reaching for the hand Acheron has wrapped around her arm to grasp it within her own.

“It’s… funny, isn’t it? How I keep protecting her in some way, even with all the evil that woman has done.” Acheron laughs bitterly, “I could have told them. Everything. Yet, I still sit here in compliance with my silence. Prolonging things, keeping my secrets close to heart.”

“You’ve told me.” Black Swan says, “And I believe you.”

“Yes, but will they?” Acheron asks, “Or will it be dismissed as another fit of catty womanly hysteria? A tale of fiction, of lies?” She sighs, rubbing a hand over her face, “I remember the hell I already went through when those police questioned me back in Izumo. I don’t want to relive anything like that ever again.”

“…Do you have to talk to them?”

Acheron shrugs her shoulders, “I don’t know. It doesn’t really pertain to this investigation, which is what they were primarily focused on.” She looks back to Black Swan, “Honestly, I’m starting to develop a headache from all of this mess and I just want to go home…”

“I have to work, darling. I can’t leave yet.” Black Swan says, feeling a tinge of sadness as she sees the look of dismay in Acheron’s eyes, “…Why don’t you hang around the office instead? Near reception? You can relax on the couches and wait for me until I go on my lunch break.” She taps a finger to her cheek, “Or rather… maybe I can take the afternoon off and take you back home instead? I’m wondering if I can get Firefly to maybe fill in for me this afternoon if I do…”

“I don’t want you taking off of work just because I’m feeling a little down right now.” Acheron shakes her head, “I’ll be fine…” She tilts her head to the side, “…Though staying down here at the agency with you does sound a little more appealing than returning to the loft alone.”

“All right then.” Black Swan smiles warmly, “Everything aside though… does it seem to you like we’re in the clear?”

“I don’t think they suspect me.” Acheron says, “Or you for that matter…”

“And Kafka?”

“I think they’re looking at her and Elio a little more closely… but she doesn’t seem to care much.” Acheron shrugs, “I’m not going to worry about this any longer and neither should you for that matter.”

“Mm.” Black Swan strokes her hand over Acheron’s, “You know… maybe we should go take that trip to Izumo like you were talking about. It would do you some good to get out of Penacony for awhile…” She smiles brightly at Acheron, “Go see your parents like you want?”

“…What?” Acheron asks, a hint of surprise in her voice.

“I have more than enough PTO stored up.” Black Swan says, pondering the thought, “I could talk to Kafka and tell her I’m taking off next week. Buy the tickets for us… how does that sound?”

What? Black Swan, you don’t—“

“It’s for you.” Black Swan says, a sense of finality in her tone that tells Acheron she has no way of convincing her otherwise, “So I will.”

“They’re expensive though.” Acheron says, trying to reason with her.

“Consider it… a gift. For being such a good girl despite all of your misbehavior from earlier on in the summer.” Black Swan chuckles, getting to her feet. She turns to look at Acheron, “You’re free, darling. No matter what comes after this, no matter what happens, Acheron—you have your life back again. Let me be the first to grant you a taste of how sweet this will be for allowing me to bring you back to the place you’ve longed to return to for so long.”

“…First, Elio and Kafka. Now… you…”

“What do you mean?”

“Elio… he wants me to keep me around for another season. And… he’s doing exactly what Kafka said he would—he’s going to pay off what remains of my contract with IX.” Acheron replies, “Or… at least the matter of settling it is most definitely in the works.”

Black Swan’s smile brightens, “Darling, that’s wonderful to hear.”

“I suppose so, but…” Acheron folds her hands in her lap, looking to return to the matter at hand, “…Are you really willing to go with me to see my parents?”

“You want me to, don’t you?” Black Swan asks, her eyes growing somewhat sad, despite the smile on her face, “I know they miss you. You’ve been gone for so long… I know how happy it would make them to see you if only for a short time.”

“I do but… I am also somewhat afraid at the prospect of returning home.”

“…Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Black Swan closes her eyes and reaches up to hold the cross around her neck for the first time in a long while, beginning to recite a verse from memory. One of her mother’s favorites—one that Black Swan always knew would calm her down when the illness caused her unrest, “…Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls…”

“What is that?” Acheron asks, her forehead furrowing as she grows perplexed.

“A verse that my mother used to love.” Black Swan replies, “I used to recite it for her on the days that proved to be worse than the others.” She turns to Acheron, “…Your hesitance is understandable. But, I do not believe you have anything to fear, Acheron. Your mother still writes to you even when you have been so silent with her for so many years. Your family… your parents…they love you. All they could ever hope for is to see you again. Would you deny them that possibility after you have come so far?”

“No.” Acheron replies, “But, there are other things regarding my return to Izumo that I have thought about. How I will be regarded by the people there for one. If I will find some places triggering in some way as I stumble upon them again.” She shrugs her shoulders, “I… know I have been running for so long. I just wonder what it will truly feel like to be in the midst of it all once again.”

Black Swan walks back over to the bench to sit beside Acheron once again. She leans in and presses a kiss to her cheek, “I’ll be with you. There’s not much for you to worry about if I’m there, right?”

For all of the demure femininity that Black Swan seemed to evoke—from her modest way of dress, to the way that she carried herself—Acheron knew that this woman who she had slowly fallen in love with over the course of one summer was not all that she appeared to be. She touches her hand to her cheek, before letting it fall into her lap and a small smile comes to her face. In the back of Acheron’s mind she hears the sound of that silly goose game—honk, honk, honk—and slowly turns to look at Black Swan. Just how would she look as a goose… or a swan of that sort?

“No. There isn’t.” Acheron replies, “I know no one’s getting close to me to do anything while you’re around.”

“Of course they aren’t.” Black Swan reaffirms, “I don’t consider myself to be a jealous woman, Acheron. But remember, I always protect what is mine.”

“I know.” Acheron says, her eyes brightening, “And I thank you for that…”

“Hm…” Black Swan glances back toward the office building and looks back at Acheron, “So… what do you want to do?”

“I guess I’ll stay around here for a little while longer.” Acheron crosses her arms over the chest, “Or… I guess I could find Boothill and take him up on that offer for a drink.”

“Were you being serious when you agreed to that?” Black Swan asks, wincing slightly at the thought of Boothill.

“I was actually...” Acheron chuckles to herself, “He’s annoying and loud. And he drains my energy whenever I’m around him, but… I've thought about what he said to me about IX.” She glances at Black Swan, “Perhaps, he knows more than he’s let on.”

“You think?” Black Swan asks, leaning in with a faint sense of interest.

“Honestly, who can really say.” Acheron shrugs her shoulders, “IX was always careful in her dealings. Especially when it came to me.” She tilts her head to the side, “But, rumors are rumors, as they’ve always been. And people talk… and I know people most certainly talked about my relationship with her.”

“But… I thought you said that men were never a part of the equation when it came to the things that she did.”

“People still talk.” Acheron reaffirms, “Anyway, Boothill is annoying, yes. But, I… feel a small sense of camaraderie with him in this moment for some unknown reason.” She glances at Black Swan, “Will you come with me for these aforementioned drinks of ours? I have a feeling he won’t be alone as well.”

Argenti.” Black Swan murmurs, “How in the world did that happen?”

“Like attracts like?” Acheron suggests, just as confused as Black Swan, “They’re both a little… off, aren’t they?”

“Some might say the same about us.” Black Swan teases.

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” Acheron asks with a frown.

“Peaches for you, tarot for me?” Black Swan giggles. “I don’t know. I suppose there are stranger people than us that are out there…” She pauses in thought, “…My boss for one.”

“Is that truly what you think of me, my dear Odette?”

Black Swan yelps in surprise at the sound of Kafka’s voice and Acheron slowly turns to look over her shoulder to see Kafka standing behind the bench the two of them are sitting on. There’s an unlit cigarette in her hand and a soft smile on her face. No tricks, no deceptions of any kind. Warmth of another kind is in her eyes—the dreaded motherly kind that everyone had somehow managed to ascribe to her.

Kafka lights the cigarette and sighs as she exhales. She turns her eyes to the sky above and hums to herself, “…Sorry for the interruption. I wanted to talk to the two of you while I still had some time. Figured I should give you an explanation on how things are going with the wild boars littered about.”

“What more is there to say?” Acheron asks, shifting around on the bench, “Haven’t they already left?”

“Well, yes. They have. But, who’s to say they won’t come back and try sniffing around where their repugnant noses don’t belong?” Kafka chuckles darkly, “As far as I’m concerned, you two are fine for now.” Her eyes flicker over to Acheron, “And as for you Peaches, don’t you worry about that additional investigation. They won’t be getting anything else out of you if I’m concerned.”

“Do you… have some type of plan in regards to that?” Acheron asks.

Kafka shakes her head, taking another drag of her cigarette, “No. But, the world is predetermined to fall apart as it willingly desires.” She laughs again, “There’s another wounded soul out there who seeks her revenge. Something shiny… looking to come back and crack this thing open wider than it already is.”

Acheron rubs her index finger along her chin, trying to find the meaning in Kafka’s riddling, “…You’re not referring to Sparkle, are you?”

“That’s exactly who I’m referring to.” Kafka reaches into her jacket and pulls her phone out, “Was scrolling through the news today while the pigs were trying to hold you hostage. You know, looking for articles and the like on things concerning our situation. It looks like your predecessor has been giving the press a mouthful about certain things that IX has done.” She takes another drag, “If she keeps talking like she has and makes herself the face of this little issue, I can only assume it will draw any heat off of you in the process.”

“…Sparkle?” Black Swan questions, looking to Acheron for clarification.

“The face of NIHILITY before I came around.” Acheron answers, “She burned out before even hitting her peak. I have no idea if she went through what I did, but her breakdown put her in the hospital for nearly two years after IX was done with her.”

“Nonetheless… as I’ve told you two before, there is nothing to worry with me behind the reins.” Kafka interjects, “…Keeping secrets where they’re supposed to be buried is one of my many specialities after all.”

“I’m well aware of that from that truth and lies game you once made me play.” Black Swan mutters.

Acheron frowns, “When did she make you play that? I hate that game.”

“Regardless, ladies.” Kafka mockingly bows to the two of them, ignoring their griping, “It has been an honor to offer you my services during this very… hot and sultry summer.” She stands up once more, “But, I will be largely unavailable for this coming autumn as you already know. So… try not to get into too much trouble while I’m gone.”

“That’s right…” Black Swan glances at Acheron, before turning to Kafka, “Acutally, while we have you here Kafka, I wanted to ask you something.”

“Yes?” Kafka asks, “Another request?”

Black Swan shakes her head, “We’re looking to go to Izumo. Pretty soon actually. In the next week if that’s all right…”

“We’re going to see my parents.” Acheron adds in, seeing the calculations already forming in Kafka’s eyes.

“A visit to the famed peach orchard, hm? Consider me jealous indeed. Those peaches were absolutely to die for when I was able to have them.” Kafka sighs warmly at the thought of the memory, “Either way, Black Swan, if you’re going to ask me about vacation time—yes. Just file it and I’ll approve it.” Kafka flagrantly shrugs her shoulders, “I suppose we all could do with a vacation around here. Some longer than others.”

Black Swan beams, resisting the urge to spring off of the bench and hug Kafka again. She turns to Acheron, “Time to start looking at tickets then.”

“Anyway. If there’s nothing left… I’m going to head back inside and get back to work. Take all the time you need getting back to the front desk.” Kafka tosses her cigarette to the floor and steps on it to ash it out. She turns to look at the office building, a hazy look descending into her eyes, “…I think things are going to be a lot quieter around here after all.”

The police inquiries eventually quiet down over the course of the next week and life returns to normal at Stellaron Model Management. …As normal as things got within its hallowed demented and deranged halls.

Yet, the tabloids soon explode with news of IX and her assault. Anonymous sources flood the pages of every gossipmongers favorite form of print—She got what she deserved. Honestly, I’m surprised someone didn’t f*ck that slag up sooner. She ruined me. Fudgin’ shirtbag never amounted to a hill of beans if you’re asking me.

Kafka tosses one of them on the front desk for Black Swan to read, looking more and more delighted with each passing day. Black Swan isn’t quite sure if it’s because she’s going on vacation at the end of the month, or if she’s relishing in the aftermath of their plan going off without a hitch.

Nevertheless, the elation of IX falling from glory soon passes as Black Swan pivots her attention toward other things. Kafka approves her time off without so much as a second glance. She flagrantly waves her hand, shooing Black Swan out of her office and tells her to run away into pre-matrimonial bliss or something or other with Acheron. Although, she does tell Black Swan to bring her back something nice from Izumo. Some roasted black tea, or Izumo sweets. Or maybe another sword, perhaps?

When the work week ends, Black Swan and Acheron depart for Izumo on Saturday morning. As they stand in the security line of Penacony’s major airport, Black Swan admits to Acheron that she’s a little nervous about the trip. It’s her first time flying after all.

Acheron is genuinely surprised at first. But, then she has to remind herself—what reason would Black Swan have to do so? Her entire life has been spent here in this city, tending to the care and keeping of her mother. Who had time for frivolous luxuries such as travel when they were dedicating their time to more important things?

They make it through the long and arduous hellscape that is airport security and arrive at their gate with a little bit of time to spare before they board. Acheron makes a brief stop by an overpriced little gift shop, lamenting her terrible memory and the fact that she forget to purchase gifts to bring her parents. She settles on a bottle of Asdana’s White Oak for her father, and some limited edition Dreamy Cone chocolates for her mother.

As they get situated on the plane, Acheron offers to switch seats with Black Swan and give her the window seat. She’s been on a plane enough times to be jaded about the entire thing, but she knows Black Swan will enjoy the experience given that it’s her first time. True to her expectations, Black Swan plasters her face to the window and watches with a sense of excitement and fear as the plane takes off thirty minutes later and they leave Penacony behind them.

The flight is long—nine mind numbing hours of staying rooted in the same place—but it passes by with little incident. Acheron sleeps for the majority of it, waking briefly for the times that the flight stewards bring around lunch and a light dinner. Black Swan tends to her half finished cardigan, briefly siphoning through the selection of movies that the airline has to offer for background noise as she knits.

It’s raining when they arrive in Izumo late at night. A slight splatter, only a drizzle. But to Acheron, it is a reminder that she has returned home after so very, very long.

Acheron tries not to notice the stares she gets as she traverses through the airport with Black Swan at her side. They pass through the barren lines at immigration, emerging on the other side to retrieve their luggage and get their bearings. Black Swan is in a foreign land for the first time in her life. And although they both remain jet lagged, she can’t help the excitement she feels with every new thing that she sees and hears.

Her smile is bright as she points to a vending machine, amazed by its glowing lights and all the drink choices it presents. Although Acheron feels weary, bogged down by her thoughts of returning home and facing what she once left behind, she finds Black Swan’s excitement to be infectious. Her spirits lift just slightly with Black Swan along at her side for the ride.

They eat dinner at some shoddy airport noodle shop, the only thing that’s open at that hour. Acheron orders for them both when Black Swan can’t make heads or tails of the menu—two bowls of subpar shoyu ramen that will have to satiate them for now. As they wait for their food to arrive, Black Swan has a question on her mind.

“Acheron… how is it that you are bilingual, anyway?” She asks, “I don’t think I’ve ever asked you before.”

“The government made a massive overhaul to the education system when I was a child. Foreign language study was at the forefront of their new initiatives.” Acheron replies, wiping her hands down with an oshibori. A waitress soon arrives, depositing two bowls of ramen down in front of them, and disappears again with a halfhearted bow, “My father gets by well enough considering there was a time when the orchard once thrived and international companies were part of his clientele, but that’s no longer a thing in the present. My mother, however, is completely reliant on the Yamato language.”

“I can’t help but think that your choice in career influenced that as well.” Black Swan says, reaching for her phone so that she can take a picture of her first meal in Izumo. She’s not the type to take pictures of everything that she does, but she wants to document this experience for everything that it is.

“I suppose.” Acheron says, pushing open the wooden box at the side and pulling two sets of plastic chopsticks out for her and Black Swan. She clasps her hands together and mumbles a quick thanks for the food, before pushing her hair back and grasping a hunk of noodles with her chopsticks.

Black Swan picks up the white plastic spoon and takes a cautionary sip of the broth. Ack. Too hot. As she sets the spoon against the side of the bowl, waiting for it to cool down, Black Swan hears just how noisily Acheron begins slurping up the noodles and stares at her, “…You must be hungry, darling.”

“It’s hot.” Acheron answers back, not realizing that Black Swan hasn’t picked up on the nuances of table etiquette in Izumo just yet. She takes a sip of the broth from her spoon and frowns when the taste isn’t quite to her liking. She turns her attention to the condiments and spices at the side, looking for something to give the sh*tty airport ramen some extra oomf.

Before Black Swan replies, there’s a chime from her phone. She picks it up and looks at the screen, “Oh… Kafka just messaged me.” Her expression softens as she sees the first line of the message, “She just wanted to make sure we got here safe and…” Then the next message comes and Black Swan sighs, “…Wanted to make sure we didn’t join the mile high club while we were on the plane.”

“Hm.” Acheron leans over her bowl, sifting through its contents with her chopsticks. She picks up a piece of dry seaweed and pushes it down into the broth to soak, “What time is it in Penacony, anyway?”

“What time is it now… 10:21PM?” Black Swan muses to herself, as she flips through her phone, “…4:21PM.”

“I suppose our jet lag won’t be too bad.” Acheron says, picking up a piece of chashu pork and stuffing it into her mouth. She glances at Black Swan and her untouched bowl of ramen, “What are you waiting on to start eating? Aren’t you hungry?”

“It’s hot like you said…” Black Swan wrinkles her nose when Acheron begins to slurp the noodles again, “I was waiting for it to cool down.”

“What for? Just eat it as is.” Acheron says, swallowing her mouthful of noodles. She looks at Black Swan, “…You can’t use chopsticks?”

“That’s not a problem for me, no.” Black Swan folds her arms over her chest, tapping her finger against her bicep. She hears louder slurping sounds in the distance and she frowns, turning to look over her shoulder at one of the other occupants of the shop.

Acheron finally catches on and chuckles when Black Swan slowly turns to face her again, “It’s showing appreciation for the meal.” She explains, “And… also, you can eat a piping hot bowl faster when you do so.” She pauses when the other occupant in the noodle shop slurps obnoxiously loud, interrupting the silence, “…But sometimes too much is too much, yeah?”

Black Swan shrugs her shoulders as she reaches for her chopsticks and begins to stir the contents of her ramen around, “It’s …very loud.”

“Cultural differences in table etiquette is fun, isn’t it?” Acheron smiles, “Anyway… we’ll head to the hotel after we’re done here. I’m exhausted from that flight… and I just want to lay down and pass out after a nice hot bath.”

“Yes…” Black Swan leans forward over her bowl and picks up her noodles with her chopsticks, sucking them up as quietly as she can, “I think I’m in agreement with that as well.”

“What did you think of the flight?” Acheron asks, “I’m glad we ended up getting those first class seats after all. But… are you sure they weren’t too expensive?”

“Acheron…” Black Swan says, “Have you forgotten what I told you before about selling my mother’s house in Asdana when she passed?”

“No. But… what does that have to do with our plane tickets?”

“I’ve been sitting on a nice little amount of money that I have little use for in the aftermath of that sale.” Black Swan replies, “You don’t have to worry about how expensive the flight was, Acheron.” She picks up a piece of nori and pauses, “Besides… I want you to enjoy being home. So, let me be your sugar mommy just this once, will you?”

Acheron blinks, staring at Black Swan through the gaps in her bangs, “Is that what you think you are?”

“I am for the week if you’ll allow me to.” Black Swan replies with a mischievous little giggle. “But, if we’re going for honesty here… I mean, I am allowing you to stay in my loft rent free at present. But I suppose you make that up to me in other ways.”

“How about I make it up to you when we get to the hotel?” Acheron deadpans, leaning over to slurp up another hunk of noodles, “Make it up to you so hard, I’m going to have you walking side to side in the morning.”

Black Swan chuckles nervously, her cheeks flushing pink, “Perhaps not? We’re going to be doing a bit of sightseeing tomorrow aren’t we?”

“Keep talking like that and it’ll have to wait for another day.” Acheron answers. She sniffs, sitting back up and setting her chopsticks over her bowl.

“Knowing how you keep to your word, I won’t challenge you on that.” Black Swan smiles, “How are you feeling with being back here by the way? I’d be remiss to say that I haven’t noticed some of the looks we’ve been getting here at the airport.”

“It’s fine.” Acheron mutters, “Just ignore it, I was kind of expecting it to be honest. Though… I wonder if the news of what’s happened to IX has travelled here as well.”

Black Swan shrugs, not caring to launch into anther discussion about IX, “…Have you given any thought to what seeing your parents will be like?”

“They don’t exactly know that we’re coming… and to be honest, I want to keep it that way for now.” Acheron replies, poking about in her half-empty bowl of ramen with her chopsticks, “Mostly, I’m just tired from all the travel from today.” She looks up at Black Swan, “So… can we just finish up here and get going to the hotel?”

“Sure.” Black Swan says, with a small smile as she watches Acheron slurp up another batch of noodles, “Whatever you desire during this trip, darling… I’m here to give it to you.”

Ālea Iacta Est - Chapter 19 - risokura - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.